HealthcareHomeopathic Medicine Homeopathic medicine for Cough

Homeopathic medicine for Cough

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Cough is one of the best common conditions for which people take help homeopathy. Homeopathic medicine will quickly help to reduce the acute conditions of cough. Homeopathic works by matching the symptoms including their unique character with the more suitable homeopathic medicine. In addition, these medicines work to treat the cause of the cough to bring a complete recovery in a natural way. Homeopathy gives excellent results in both acute and chronic conditions. Cough includes dry cough, spasmodic cough, a loose rattling cough, nocturnal cough, barking cough, and paroxysmal cough treated with homeopathy. Coughs from pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, and emphysema also treated with homeopathy. However, along with cough other symptoms like expectoration, wheezing, shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing also go away with the help of homeopathy. You can check homeopathic medicine for cough in this article.

Question asked to help choose a perfect remedy for the patient:

During the case taking, select appropriate medicine for cough and ask some questions, that are below:

  1. Type of cough: Dry, wet, spasmodic, barking, rattling, wheezing, hard, effect on breathing
  2. Cause: Getting wet? getting cold?
  3. Expectoration: Consistency, color, taste, smell, difficult expectoration
  4. Is the cough from the lung or throat?
  5. Speed of onset: Symptoms came quickly or developed slowly?
  6. Is there a fever?

Homeopathic medicine for Cough:

Antimonium tart

A loud rattling cough with difficulty to expectorate mucus is characteristic of this medicine. In addition, their symptoms are worse at 4 A.M. Difficulty in breathing may cause them to sit up rather than lie down. Due to difficulty in breathing they feel restlessness, anxiousness, and irritability. The chest sound full of mucus. The cough remains constant throughout the day and night. A burning sensation in the chest may be present. Chest pain also arises from coughing in some cases. A cough that worsens after each meal is also an indication of this medicine.

Drosera rotundfolia

Continuous dry barking cough accompanied with choking, cold sweat, and vomiting. Cough is aggravated by lying down, and after midnight especially at 2 A.M. Cough is irritating by cold fluid, eating, and talking. Children are usually seen holding onto the chest for support during the cough. They become very chilly and have profuse perspiration, especially at night. They may have developed a deep hoarse voice. Sore throat and fetid breath with the cough.

Bryonia alba

Dry and painful cough with intense thirst. In addition, the cough aggravates by speaking and relieve by staying immobile and strong pressure on the ribcage. There are little or no expectations.


This remedy is indicated when a person experiences hoarseness and tickling cough. Cough aggravated by cold air, talking and laughing. Thirst for cold drinks. Tightness in the chest relieves by the warmth of the bed. They crave cold drinks. The person feels heaviness and tightness. Person imaginative and fearful. Like a company of others but tired easily.

Rumex Crispus

This medicine relieves dry cough triggered by breathing cold air. Firstly, feeling of a scratchy throat. Secondly, a ticking above the sternum between two colored bones. Thirdly, a person even places a blanket or towel over their head to avoid cold air. cough relieved by warm.

Spongia Tosta

Primary medicine for dry, barking croupy cough. In addition, the cough was aggravated by tobacco smoke, talking, cold air warm room, lying with the head low, drinking cold fluids, and eating sweets. Warm food and drink get some relief. Shortness of breath may be present.

Conium Meculatum

Nocturnal cough. Cough worse at night during lying down. Restlessness at night and tends to sit up. Tickling sensation in the throat.

Consult a homeopathic doctor before taking medicine.

Thank you for reading this article. If you want to discuss something regarding medicine OR you have any other suggestions of Homeopathic medicine for Cough then do comment in the comment section below.

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